MB251 - Marine Pollution
2nd Sem., A.Y. 2021-2022
Course Outline
Course Description:
This graduate course is designed to give students an understanding of the anthropogenic change to the oceans and their impacts on marine organisms. Marine Pollution occurs when the harmful result from the entry into the ocean of chemicals, particles, industrial or residential waste, noise, light, or the spread of invasive organisms. In this course, students examine how scientific understanding of marine pollution informs environment management, thereby linking science and society. Students will also learn different control/mitigation measures of marine pollution, mechanisms of action, and management issues.
Learning Goals
Students will be able to:
Understand a set of fundamental concepts on anthropogenic activities that affect the dynamics of the ocean, including key aspects of ocean acidification, deoxygenation, chemical pollution, and deleterious impacts on fish and plankton.
Be able to communicate the effects of marine pollution on the global climate.
Develop or enhance critical thinking skills in critiquing, interpreting, and communicating scientific data
This course does not have a specific textbook, and all students are encouraged to read/browse all related references/publications on Marine Pollution. Likewise, published (peer-reviewed) research and review articles will be required in this course.
The course will be divided into 5 major topics as enumerated in the course outline, with different lectures from the invited guest lecturers. The course introduction will be presented by the instructor, and the remaining topics will be assigned to each student. As this course is designed to be a research-based modality, students will be assigned a specific topic for her/his advanced reading and reporting and preparation of a critical review paper. Students are expected to participate in any online lectures and group discussions.
Topic 1: Course Introduction
Topic 2: Plastic (micro-and nanoplastics) Pollution
Topic 3: Heavy metal Contamination in Marine environment
Topic 4: Marine Light Pollution
Topic 5: Persistent Organic Pollutants
Topic 6: Pesticides and Radioactive Wastes
Guest Lectures: (1) Marine Oil Spill
(2) Microplastic Pollution
Students are required to conduct a public presentation on the assigned topic. The schedule of the presentation is presented in the course schedule below. Aside from the public presentation, students are also required to submit a critical review paper on the assigned topic that covers the recent developments and published data on the given topic. The submission date of the said review paper is also reflected in the course schedule. Lastly, a comprehensive exam will be given at the end of the semester (refer to the course schedule), and topics discussed during the public presentation and lectures from the Guest Lecturers will be included. The weight distribution of these requirements that will constitute the final grade is as follows:
Public Presentation 30 %
Critical review paper 40 %
Comprehensive Exam 30 %
Passing: 60%
Note: Points will be determined based on the given rubrics
February 7, 2022 - Course Introduction
March 7, 2022 - Public Presentation 1 (Student 1 and Student 2)
March 14, 2022 - Guest Lecturer 1
March 21, 2022 - Public Presentation 2 (Student 3 and Student 4)
March 28, 2022 - Guest Lecturer 2
April 4, 2022 - Public Presentation 3 (Student 5)
May 16, 2022 - Comprehensive Exam
May 30, 2022 - Submission of the critical review paper
*The schedule is subject to changes